Wednesday, April 24, 2013

My Life as a Mythic Detective

My Life as a Mythic Detective

As a physics major, I’ve had an interesting time this semester. As I go through my homework, I’ve been thinking of the Ovidian stories in the back of my head and have drawn some interesting parallels.
For instance, I can be working on my particle physics homework – a subject that Ovid could have never imagined – and I can make connections to the stories we’ve been reading in Mythologies. How?
Well, the premise of most particle physics is figuring out how to understand different interactions of elementary particles. Richard Feynman was a Cadmus of particle physics, if you will. He arrived in a place unknown by scientists, taking to the photons and electrons with a fiery vigor. He fought with integrals and derivatives and delta functions, bravely questing to conquer the knowledge held by the photons. He finally vanquished his foe with the invention of Feynman diagrams, planting the photons in them as squiggly lines, and thus, the field of quantum electrodynamics was born. But I digress.
One of my most recent homework problems was on electron-muon scattering.
 The first thing you do is draw a diagram showing the reaction, then label particles with variables that will help us keep track of them.
At this point, we need to check to see if there are any other diagrams. For this reaction, there’s only one of this type of diagram, so we’re good (at least for only two vertices).  As we add more and more diagrams, it’s like we’re getting more and more threads to put into the intricate fabric that is particle physics. Truly, this must be the fabric that Arachne wove to contest Athena. This tapestry, once fully completed, will reveal the quantity M, which will reveal to us everything we could possibly want to know about this reaction.
Then we start putting in the numbers, and our story turns into Phaethon’s ride…

            Oh goodness. What’s going on here? Where did all of this math come from? I don’t even know these symbols! Oh god, oh god, it’s getting beyond my control! Those  bispinors  - how did they become matrices? Why did I ever think I could do this?! There goes my physics career – I can see it crashing before my eyes. Oh, no, what will my father think? WHY ISN’T IT JUST A NUMBER, IT’S SUPPOSED TO BE A NUMBER. …I broke physics... help.

            While at first it seems that no matter what you do, the math will never end and you will never regain control, the problem slowly becomes less like Phaethon’s ride. It smooths out, the variables slowly reducing to an understandable form…

After more insanity that I ever thought possible, this turned out to be the final answer. But it’s so simple, so beautiful; nothing I had ever seen before in physics compared to it after my struggles with other problems. This equation was something I slaved on, but then it took on a life of its own; I felt like Pygmalion upon his discovery of his wife, a wish granted by Venus.
            And thus, I thank the physics gods.

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