Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The beginning, and the end.

One thing that caught my eye in class was when we looked up Hindu eschatology -- it seems they believe in a "Big Crunch", where the universe contracts on itself and then begins anew. That reminded me of something: the Big Crunch theory of the fate of the universe.

The Big Crunch theory happens if our Universe stops expanding, then begins to contract back down to a single point - kind of like the Big Bang, but in reverse. I think it's incredible that this is also a theme in the Hindu culture, long before science knew that the Universe was not static and changes size.

Not to mention that we see death and rebirth as a cycle throughout mythology: humans and animals and plants are born, live, then die, paving the way for different evolution of those that come next. A good example of this is  Ragnarok.

Is it possible that Hindi had it right all along, and science was just slow to catch up? Possibly. It's those little "coincidences" like that... they really get me.

Of course, there's no such thing as coincidence.

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