Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Snakes and the Apocalypse

Dr. Sexon was talking a lot today about snakes and the apocalypse, so I thought I would share my favorite poem regarding the subject. It's about a snake called Nate: he's a very important snake. He's the snake in charge of the lever that stops the world from blowing up.

There once was a modest upstanding civilian
His name that of fame and his body reptilian
He’s Nate, Nate the Snake, oh so charming and clever
His name is so famous because of a lever
And a lever is only a symbol of status
As a modified doomsday delay apparatus
Ah yes, for this lever’s a thing of foreboding
Must be pulled every day to stop Earth from exploding

Nate the Snake’s a very important snake
He’s the snake in charge of the lever that stops the world from blowing up

And although our hero is legless and scaly
He’s charged with a largely important task daily
Every morning at five and without any whinin’
He wakes ups and stretches, alignin' his spine and
He takes a snake shower before the sun rises
And chooses from ties of snake size that he prizes
And then without any ado whatsoever
The snake they call Nate makes his way to the lever

It’s Nate, Nate the Snake, he’s a very important snake
He’s the snake in charge of the lever that stops the world from blowing up

Showered and dressed, Nate departs his abode
And he comes to some train tracks, and then to a road
By the light of the dawn in the thin morning haze
Nate comes to the crossings and glances both ways
Content with this small act of self preservation
Nate slithers along with devout motivation
He comes to a warehouse that holds the device
And he greases the hinge of the death lever twice
And then without much undo effort exerted
Nate pulls on the lever, devastation averted
We may never know just how much Nate is worth
But that never stops him from saving the Earth

He’s Nate the Snake, he’s a very important snake
He’s the snake in charge of the lever that stops the world from blowing up

Now one fateful evening our hero attends
A raucous night party with liquor and friends
And all of the patrons are greatly excited
That the cold blooded note worthy Nate’s been invited

‘Cause everyone knows Nate the Snake, he’s a very important snake
He’s the snake in charge of the lever that stops the world from blowing up

This party was wild and joyously festive
Though a few of Nate’s actions were slightly suggestive
He drank dry martinis and vodka cranberries
And polished it off with two glasses of sherry
So Nate’s in a state of great inebriation
And gets a ride home from this loud celebration
The next day he wakes, and his vision’s still foggy
He moans and he groans, now hung-over and groggy
But he stirs from his bed like a corpse from the grave
‘Cause Nate knows that he’s got a planet to save

He’s Nate the Snake, he’s a very important snake
He’s the snake in charge of the lever that stops the world from blowing up

Now greatly regretting the party he reveled
Nate exits his house looking sick and disheveled
He crosses the tracks without any delays
And he gets to the road but does not look ways
‘Cause Nate’s still reliving the previous night
And he looks to the left but forgets to look right
And on this very day, through the worst kind of luck
Nate finds himself right in the path of a truck
And this ain’t no passenger automobile or
An ice cream truck, this here’s a big eighteen wheeler
And the driver of such, now the victim of fate
He instantly recognized unlucky Nate

‘Cause everyone knows Nate the Snake, he’s a very important snake
He’s the snake in charge of the lever that stops the world from blowing up

The driver immediately started to swerve
But he stopped for a second because he observed
That if he missed Nate with his big heavy truck
The warehouse that held the death lever'd be struck
And not understanding the subtle mechanics
Of such a device, the man started to panic
If he hit Nate the snake, did he have a replacement?
Would killing Nate cause him much social debasement?
And what of the lever, if it became broken
Would that cause the travesties hereto unspoken?
And so, fearing death over social exclusion
The ill fated driver came to the conclusion...

Better Nate than lever!

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